Extract a list of reference links and a list of related topics from any page on the English Wikipedia. Remove the distraction of prose written by others!
Tech: PHP 7, Wikimedia API
Founded: 2020

The Eight Queens chess game - Can you place 8 queens on the board with none under attack? A web game inspired by the classic math puzzle.
Tech: Javascript, React, Chessboard.jsx
Founded: 2019

Your own games website, filled with open source goodness! Automated installation of a plethora of open source web games. Fully customizable.
Tech: PHP 7, Git
Founded: 2016

Currency Exchange Rates Website with data from: The European Central Bank, The Swiss National Bank, The Bank of Israel, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and The Reserve Bank of Australia.
Tech: PHP 7, SQLite, Financial APIs
Founded: 2019

Multi-weight Body Mass Index (BMI) table based on your height, age and sex, with calculated Body Fat/Lean Percentage, Base Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) for various activity levels.
Tech: PHP 7
Founded: 2019

Crowdsourced ratings website for freely licensed images and media from Wikimedia Commons.
Tech: PHP, SQLite, Wikimedia API
Founded: 2017

MediaWiki Query API wrapper that easily gets Category and Media file information into simple PHP arrays. Fine-tuned for WikiMedia Commmons.
Tech: PHP, MediaWiki API
Founded: 2017

Attogram Router for PHP 7 - small, flexible, and surprisingly powerful.
Tech: PHP 7
Founded: 2017

Clean Repo: Games - a collaborative project to find and remove hidden tracking codes, advertising, trojans and excessive promotional content from open source game repositories.
Founded: 2019

A collaborative translation dictionary manager for the open content web.
Tech: PHP, SQLite / MySQL
Founded: 2001

Frequency distribution and timings for PHP rand(), mt_rand(), random_int(), and SQLite ORDER BY RANDOM()
Tech: PHP, SQLite
Founded: 2017

Open content translation dictionary files.
Founded: 2016

React component to show ever changing content.
Tech: Javascript, React
Founded: 2019

Our Git repository service provider. Started with the migration of the Open Translation Engine SVN repository from SourceForge.
Founded: 2014